The goal of the Rhineland Special School in Düsseldorf is to stimulate the physical and motor development of disabled students. The school’s therapy program was extended in November 2005 to include a particularly innovative new module. Thanks to the financial assistance of the People Campaign it was possible to provide individual support to the children within the framework of professional music therapy. Therapist and child work with a wide range of different instruments to support playful improvisations, vocal expressions and movements.
Instruments for mobile music therapy are safely packed in ZARGES cases.
However, storing and transporting the high-quality and sometimes highly sensitive instruments very soon became a problem. The biggest problem was that the drum and percussion instruments sometimes had to be stored in unstable transportation containers which were too small. As a result, the staff responsible for the school at the Rhineland Regional Association were on the lookout for a better storage and transport solution and turned to ZARGES. After precisely documenting and measuring the instruments in question, ZARGES provided a suitable selection of aluminium containers from the K470 series, and fitted them with customised foam inserts. All the individual instruments are now kept securely in these containers. Fitting the K470 aluminium containers with casters makes it easier to use the music therapy equipment in different places and also gives the disabled students at the Rhineland Special School the opportunity to transport their instruments themselves.